Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2005, Vol. 3

Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2005, Vol. 3

100,00 € 70,00 Inkl. MwSt, excl. Versand Lieferzeit: 2-3 Werktage
Bestellnummer: 6984869848

  • The Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2005, is an official and authoritative compendium of drugs.
  • It covers most traditional Chinese medicines, most western medicines and preparations, giving information on the standards of purity, description, test, dosage, precaution, storage, and the strength for each drug. 
  • This 2005 Edition contains up to 3214 monographs of drugs, with 525 new admissions in total. 
  • The edition 2005 has been considerably revised and improved in General Notices, Requirements of Monographs, General Requirements for Preparations in Appendices and new testing methods, etc. 
  • Based on the introduction of advanced technology and experimental methods widely adopted in China and abroad, the contents of Appendices are revised and large in consistence with those nowadays applied internationally for drug quality control. 
  • The monographs admitted in the Pharmacopoeia on the whole reflect the actual clinical use of drugs in china. Furthermore, stylistic rules and layout, working, units, and symbols, etc. have also been standardized. 
  • Published in three volumes: Volume I - Includes monographs of Chinese materia medica and prepared slice, vegetable oil/fat and its extract, Chinese traditional patent medicines, and single ingredient of Chinese crude drug preparations. 
  • ISBN: 7117069821 Einzelpreis: Euro 360,- 946 pages
  • Volume II - Deals with monographs of chemical drugs, antibiotics, biochemical preparations, radiopharmaceuticals, and excipients for pharmaceutical use. ISBN: 711706983X Einzelpreis: Euro 400,- 1183 pages
  • Volume III - Contains biological products. ISBN: 7117069848 Einzelpreis: Euro 100,- 429 pages