Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 1997, Vol. 1

Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 1997, Vol. 1

360,00 € 160,00 Inkl. MwSt, excl. Versand Lieferzeit: 2-3 Werktage
Bestellnummer: 6983Y6983Y

  • his pharmacopoeia is the English version edited from Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China 1995 edition. 
  • Chinese pharmacopoeia 1995 is published in 2 volumes, with rather extensive revision. It contains up to 2375 monographs of drugs and other articles with 624 new admissions in comparison with that of Chinese pharmacopoeia 1990. In volume I, it contains 920 monographs of Chinese material medica and traditional Chinese patent medicines, ect., with 142 new admissions; 1455 monographs of chemicals, antibiotics, biochemicals, radiopharmaceuticals, biological products with 499 new admission are compiled in volume II; thus taking a great step forward to play an important role in applying the pharmacopoeia as the main part and authority of the national standardization system of drugs. There are 81 monographs with 9 new admissions in the Appendix of volume I and 96 monographs with 12 new admissions in that of volume II. Appropriate monographs in the Appendix adopted in general in both volumes are compiled in each volume, respectively. 17 monographs admitted to Chinese pharmacopoeia 1190 are deleted in this edition.
  • Modern analytical techniques are adopted extensively in the requirements of the monographs. Thin layer chromatography method has been applied in Tests for identification in 417 monographs, and applied for Assay in 17 monographs of volume I. Chromatographic methods have been adopted in 623 monographs in volume II, including HPLC in 186 monographs, GC in 25 monographs and TLC in 412 monographs. Dissolution test and Test for content uniformity are adopted for drugs quality control in 127 and 101 monographs of volume I and II, respectively, which show marked increase in number than that adopted in previous edition.


  • Membership of the 6th pharmacopoeia Commission of the Ministry of Public Health, the People’s Republic of China
  • Editorial Board of pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China Volume II, English Edition (1997)
  • Preface
  • History of the Pharmacopoeia of People’s Republic of China
  • Additions
  • Omissions
  • General Notices
  • Monographs
  • Appendices
  • Index