Herbal Formulas - Western Herbs from the TCM Perspective

Von Florian Ploberger (Autor/in)., Ursula Derx (Übersetzer/in). | 450 Seiten | Erschienen: 06. 02. 2019 | ISBN: 9783902735980 | 1.Auflage

This book describes about 150 herbs such as rosemary, ladys mantle, dandelion etc. Besides their English names, pharmaceutical, botanical and German names are also listed for each herb. In addition, a description of the parts of the plants used, their taste, temperature effect, the organs involved and doses is provided as well as detailed descriptions of the actions and individual fields of application of individual herbs.
A painting of each plant is also included in this book.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and thus also the Chinese phytotherapy is becoming more and more popular. Therefore so-called Western herbs are described and therapeutically applied according to TCM criteria.
This book describes about 150 herbs such as rosemary, ladys mantle, dandelion etc. Besides their English names, pharmaceutical, botanical and German names are also listed for each herb. In addition, a description of the parts of the plants used, their taste, temperature effect, the organs involved and doses is provided as well as detailed descriptions of the actions and individual fields of application of individual herbs.
A painting of each plant is also included in this book.
Furthermore, herbal formulas consisting of Western herbs are presented. They are structured by their effects in 20 groups (for example: herbal formula tonifying the Qi and the Blood; herbal formulas nourishing the Yin; herbal formulas tonifying the Yang; herbal formula promoting the Qi flow; herbal formulas stimulating the blood circulation; herbal formulas calming the mind; herbal formula calming Internal Wind; etc.) and are described as follows:
Individual herbs are listed with their respective daily dose in gram per day. This is followed by effect, indication and respective Western symptoms as well as tongue and pulse diagnoses in abbreviated form. The way the formula is compounded and the effects of the individual herbs used in the formula are explained for better understanding.
Your advantages:
Precise description of the effects of the individual 150 herbs
 A painting of each plant
 Herbal formulas by symptoms categorised in 20 groups
 Detailed description how the herbal formula is compounded
 This book serves as an important source of information both for beginners and for experienced therapists.
 Translator: Ursula Derx
 450 pages, many coloured pictures, hardback
Dear reader,
The interest in classical Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbal formulas has increased tremendously in recent decades. These herbal formulas are hundreds of years, some of them even 2000 to 3000 years old. Since many traditional works have survived to the present, TCM physicians have recourse to their ancestors comprehensive wealth of experience.
In this book we make a try at substituting classical TCM herbal formulas by formulas compounded of Western herbs. At this point I would like to state expressly that I hold the classical TCM works in high esteem. For this reason I consider the herbal formulas I describe to be merely suggestions. They should also serve as basis for discussion.
Classical TCM herbal formulas are characterised by their structure: Most herbal formulas comprise at lease three of the four main ingredients:
Chief herb (Jun)
 Minister herb (Chen)
 Messenger herb (Zuo)
 Adjutant herb (Shi)
In this book chief herbs, minister herbs, adjutant herbs and messenger herbs are listed for all herbal formulas.
How can we explain the above mentioned terms?
In ancient China the emperor was sovereign and chief of the country and an important person. Similarly the chief herb has the principal healing action and is often prescribed in the highest dose of all herbs compounded. Traditionally Chinese herbal formulas are often named after the respective chief herb.
It was the task of the minister to serve the sovereign and chief. This explains the function of minister herbs: They promote the therapeutic action of the chief herb. In addition the minister herb has further healing effects for the patient, which are complementary to the actions of the chief herb. If we take a herbal formula which has been compounded to treat Qi Deficiency as an example, we will see that the chief herb is merely alleviating the Qi Deficiency. The minister herb could tonify Qi as well as blood.
Any undesirable side effects of a herbal formula are neutralised by the adjutant herb.
The so-called messenger herbs have a special purpose in compounding a TCM herbal formula. They define the energy direction of effects and the body region where the herbal formula should take effect (e.g. skin, lumbar part of the spine, temples, etc.). Furthermore, they harmonise the effects of the other herbs.
Of course, not all herbal formulas comprise these four ingredient categories. Usually they consist of chief and minister herbs, while adjutant and messenger herbs may be missing now and then. But including precisely such herbs is typical for TCM.
Unfortunately, in Western countries we do not have as much experience in applying our herbs like physicians in China, to whom ancient medical texts have been descended since 3000 years.
Yet, many arguments underline the approach to apply Western herbs according to TCM criteria:
Most of our herbs grow in the immediate vicinity of the user. Some of them we even find in our own gardens.
 They are easily available and often less expensive than Chinese herbs.
 They can be grown in a controlled way.
 The legal approval is regulated.
 After diagnosis consultation with the physician to gather the patients history as well as tongue diagnosis and pulse diagnosis they can be applied precisely according to TCM criteria.
Although we cannot have recourse to the same wealth of experience like TCM, we know about some experienced herbal specialists who lived in Western countries. As an example, I would like to mention the following few:
Hippocrates (5th century before christ)
Empedocles (5th century before christ)
Pedanius Dioscorides (1st century AD)
Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD)
Galen (2nd century AD)
Ar-Rhazi (869-925 AD)
Ibn Sina (also known as Avicenna, 980-1037 AD)
Hildegard of Bingen (12th century AD)
Otto Brunfels (16th century AD)
Hieronymus Bock (16th century AD)
Leonhard Fuchs (16th century AD)
Jakob Dieter (16th century AD)
Nicholas Culpepper (16th century AD)
Carl Linneus (1707-1778 AD)
Samuel Stearns (18th century AD)
Samuel Thomson (1769-1843 AD)
Fletcher Hyde (20th century AD)
John Christopher (20th century AD)
These scientists and physicians have left numerous texts to posterity, which are commonly used even today.
In this book about 50 herbal formulas are described. Herbs like rosemary, thyme, sage, burdock root, alder buckthorn bark, etc. are used in these herbal formulas. In addition herbs like cardamom, caraway, common fennel and anise are included, which are common kitchen spices in Europe.
The question whether TCM herbal formulas can be substituted by herbal formulas compounded of Western herbs can be answered as follows:
Many traditional Chinese herbal formulas can be excellently replaced by herbal formulas compounded of Western herbs. In particular many herbs can be found in Europe which are eminently suitable for draining Damp Heat.
It is more difficult to properly replace the group of tonifying TCM herbs by Western herbs.
Herbs tonifying blood as well as herbs tonifying Qi cannot be directly substituted by Western herbs. For example, there are no Western equivalents to Radix Angelicae sinensis (Danggui), Radix Ginseng (Renshen) or Radix Astragalus (Huangqi).
In this context the following facts are interesting: Especially bitter-cold herbs like centaury and gentian root were taken as tonifying herbs in European countries in the last centuries. These bitter-cold herbs are used for draining Damp Heat in TCM.
The following might explain why the above mentioned herbs could also be used as tonifying herbs: people had an excess of Damp Heat at that time. This was drained by applying bitter-cold herbs and, as a result, everybody who took these herbs felt better afterwards. Nevertheless: These herbs do not meet the TCM criteria of herbs tonifying Qi!
How this book is structured:
This book describes about 150 herbs such as rosemary, ladys mantle, dandelion etc. Besides their English names, pharmaceutical, botanical and German names are also listed for each herb. In addition, a description of the parts of the plants used, their taste, temperature effect, the organs involved and doses is provided as well as detailed descriptions of the actions and individual fields of application of individual herbs. A painting of each plant is also included in this book.
Furthermore, 50 herbal formulas consisting of Western herbs are presented in this book. They are structured by their effects in 20 groups and are described as follows:
Individual herbs are listed with their respective daily dose in gram per day. This is followed by effect, indication and respective Western symptoms as well as tongue and pulse diagnoses in abbreviated form. The way the formula is compounded and the effects of the individual herbs used in the formula are explained for better understanding.
The book is completed by an appendix, a comprehensive literature list and an index of keywords.
My sincere thanks go to Simon Becker MSc. for the accurate proofreading and revision of Chapter VIII.
I wish you much pleasure with our wonderful Western herbs.
 With warm regards,
Florian Ploberger MD, B.Ac., MA
 Vienna, in summer of the Earth Dog year 2018
VIII. Herbal formulas for TCM syndromes
In this section of the book you will find herbal formulas consisting of Western Herbs for various TCM syndromes. The herbal formulas are structured by their effects in 20 groups and are described as follows:
Individual herbs are listed with their respective daily dose in gram per day, followed by effect, indication and respective Western symptoms as well as tongue and pulse diagnoses in abbreviated form. The way the formula is compounded and the effects of the individual herbs used in the formula are explained for better understanding. Only one herbal formula is listed for some of the syndromes while in other syndromes up to four different herbal formulas are described in detail.
Herbal formula for external Wind Cold
 Herbal formulas for external Wind Heat
 Herbal formula that clears Heat in the Qi Level
 Herbal formula that clears Heat from the organs
 Herbal formulas that clear Heat and relieve Toxicity
 Herbal formula that drains downward
 Herbal formulas that have a harmonising effect.
 Herbal formulas that promote urination and treat Dampness
 Herbal formulas that treat Damp Heat
 Herbal formula that dispels Wind Dampness
 Herbal formulas that tonify the Qi
 Herbal formulas that tonify the Blood
 Herbal formula that tonifies the Qi and the Blood
 Herbal formulas that nourish the Yin
 Herbal formulas that tonify the Yang
 Herbal formula that promotes the Qi flow
 Herbal formulas that stimulate the blood circulation
 Herbal formulas that calm the mind
 Herbal formula that calm Internal Wind
 Herbal formula that cures Food Stagnations

Verlag[Firma Bacopa Verlag]
Sprache(n) Englisch
Ausführung Gebunden
Cover Hardcover
Autor/in Florian Ploberger (Autor/in) , Ursula Derx (Übersetzer/in)