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Lebensgroße, goldene Akupunkturfigur, ca. 170 cm. Human Size Body Model

Abbildung in Arbeit
Titel:Lebensgroße, goldene Akupunkturfigur, ca. 170 cm. Human Size Body Model
Preis:Euro 1190.00

Sehr schöne lebensgroße klassische Akupunkturfigur für Schulen und Institute zum Lernen und Lehren geeignet.
ca. 10kg

An acupuncture body model with size of human (about 170 cm in height)
Showing acupuncture points and course of meridians
All points are represented by numbers as well as Chinese Characters
Made of fibre glass and with movable platform so that it can be transported to any place easily
An ideal teaching tool for acupuncture in university, clinics and seminars.